To Our Unseen Heroes - Thank You


We are in the midst of a global pandemic. All of us. Every single person on the planet. This is rare, but that doesn't make it any less real. We don’t know exactly how long this will last, and how things will shake out, but on the other side of this chaos, we will see that our society—government, healthcare, the economy, our lifestyles and so much more—will be changed. For the better.

The days ahead, filled with hard and scary moments, will come with new opportunities. In moments of crisis, the VERY BEST thing we can do - for our children, our loved ones, our businesses, our community, and our selves - is TAKE ACTION.

Today, I am taking action by expressing my gratitude to all of our unseen heroes - the helpers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The essential personnel - people who head to work every day while we are safe at home, sheltering in place with our loved ones.

To the first responders, health care workers and medical professionals who are putting their lives on the line to help protect our global community, THANK YOU. 

To the farmers, trucker drivers and warehouse workers who are producing, transporting and distributing food and supplies to our local stores and pharmacies. And to the staff who are stocking, checking, bagging and delivering our items with care so that we don't go hungry, THANK YOU. 

To the mail carriers and delivery teams working nonstop to make sure our mail, groceries, supplies and medications arrive when we need them most, THANK YOU.

To the sanitation, janitorial and cleaning crews disinfecting and cleaning-up after us in hospitals and grocery stores, throughout our communities, our public spaces, and beyond, THANK YOU. 

To the bus drivers, the train operators, and public transportation workers providing essential public services to their fellow heroes who still need to get to work in order to keep our world running, THANK YOU.

To the educators, teachers and trainers offering free programming online so that we can continue to learn, grow, and take care of ourselves and maintain a sense of community during our social isolation, THANK YOU.

To the customer service representatives taking calls from scared families for hours a day, often bearing the brunt of their fear and frustration, THANK YOU.

And to my fellow parents out there working their tails off to hold down a job and feed their family while keeping things as calm as possible - juggling homeschooling, working remotely, and keeping their kids (and their own) anxiety at bay, THANK YOU.

You are the heroes who are making the world turn, even in the hardest of times. Instead of locking down with your loved ones to stay safe, you wake up every day, leave the safety of your homes, and head out to work on the frontlines and giving people like me and hope. I can’t possibly thank you enough.

🌈Let’s all be well.