What is a Glimmer?


It's a feeling. An emotion. A connection.

It is joy and love. It is hope and pain.


When I started my business back in 2017, I went back and forth on what to name it. And the one word I kept coming back to...Glimmer.

This single word represents what I try to capture in the images I create. A Glimmer.

Sometimes I find it through the eyes of my subject, or sometimes in a crooked smile.


Sometimes it is wrapped up in an embrace, or a glance.

It is the mood of the light, and the energy of the subject during this brief moment in time. 


The purpose of every image I create is to capture a feeling inside of a moment in time. No two are the same, and they are always felt uniquely through the eyes of the beholder.

My mission is to create images that will make you FEEL something every time you look at them.

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Want to see our favorite Glimmers? Follow our adventures on Instagram.

Elisse Lassiter